Monday, October 29, 2007

My 1st Blog

wow...I'm up so late, and what do I choose to do with my time but join the blogosphere. I'm sure I am not the only insomiac out there.

Well, I guess I might as well say, I really don't know why I'm doing this, except that a friend did, and I though it was really cool.

Today was my daughter's 1st day at a new preschool. Well I guess it went ok and she sure did look cute in the uniform. Too bad she was exhausted and fell asleep at the dinner table. Meanwhile I should now be grading papers from my part time deal teaching a college civil engineering class. What happened to respect for professors by the way. My students are so A rude awakening. I am glad I am only an adjunct and not a full time academic.

Ok enough for tonight. Back to the reynolds transport theorem.
Later taters,

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